Enkhtuya kagon

the renegade knight. pariah & punk.

  The darkness calls, and the xaela answers. A wanderer from the azim steppe, this womans steps through the dark, her greatsword a beacon through the shadows. 

Darkness dwells within us all, but few are forced to confront it as you are....

nameenkhtuya kagonage22
pronounsshe/herracexaela au ra
originthe azim steppesexualitypansexual
occupationwandering knightlanguagecommon, xaelic

 about  a wandering dark knight on a quest of her own form of justice, seemingly wandering without any sort of location in mind, the woman seems to flock from place to place, taking work where she can find it. a quiet woman, yet theres a sort of fire in her personality - dulled like a lantern about to flicker out, a sort of rebellious streak.

 biography  THE AZIM STEPPE IS A VOLATILE PLACE CONSTANTLY IN MOTION, AND THE SAME COULD BE SAID FOR ENKHTUYA. A woman born on the azim steppe, Enkhtuya spent her childhood as most xaela do, wandering within her tribe - the kagon. the kagon are a nocturnal tribe, and their beliefs are that to step out into the sunlight is to succumb to the evil of azim, the dawn father. nhaama, the dusk mother -- is the patron goddess of the kagon, and the night hers to command. Or so the kagon believe. enkhtuya grew up surrounded by the night, and in turn, the dark -- the beautiful stars that shined upon high, they were a sight to behold.and under this night sky is where enkhtuya learnt to hunt. to kill. and as the woman grew up, so her did her keen senses, the night becoming easier and easier to hunt in by the day, yet, for all it was worth -- the world was very big, and enkhtuya always had this notion that she should be out there. -- exploring, hunting. The sea of stars went out as far as the eye can be, yet she had only seen so little. and her calling was beyond the steppe, out into the wider world. The woman growing up was a little bit rebellious, and she didn't particularly enjoy being told what to do, and more or less told herself what to do.yet there was something that dwelled inside. a darker force -- it yearned to be free. And that time was slowly approaching, like a clock slowly ticking down.and this energy attracted another.A day like no other, enkhtuya took herself and her belongings, though how small that collection was, and began to wander. wandering was no small feat, with the garleans marching upon yanxia, the woman found herself in a dire situation. desolate buildings stood ruined by the actions of the empire, and as enkhtuya walked through -- she came face to face with soldiers of the empire herself -- yet in one fell swoop, they were dispatched by a person carrying a greatsword -- a black shadow dissipating, leaving nothing in its path but a strange crystal -- something that she would pick up, and as she did.. it resonated with her.With regret, comes guilt. with guilt, comes the way to move forward.
With regret, comes guilt. with guilt, comes the way to move forward.
These words, spoken time and time again -- and the woman was confused. what did they mean? why did this shadow leave her this?! it was all too much.. and in a fit of sudden rage and a flaring of darkness, the woman was consumed by the darkness inside of her, that which laid dormant was now free -- and it was tearing across yanxia. Local reports of a strange shadow made their way around the local villages, if only for a short while.
And then it dissipated. Finally.The woman engulfed in feelings-a-plenty finally woke up. surrounded by nothing but this.. feeling, inside of her. an answer, perhaps? regret. guilt. they lingered inside of her. confusion, anxiety.. they festered and boiled like chaos without any sort of cease -- and then she took a breath. a singular breath.. and then she "passed out" again.And then she woke up in Ishgard. A man gazed down at her, an Elezen 'gentleman' with a greatsword upon his back.AND THE REST IS HISTORY - or so they say. the woman spent a long time in ishgard, training and mastering the darkness that dwelled inside of her, the rage and violence into a tangible force -- something she would take with her as she was cast out of its gates after the temple knights caught wind of a pair of dark knights practicing forbidden magic. the elezen man who teached her was never seen again.THE WAY FORWARD WAS CLEAR NOW.



  • GREATSWORD: Tuya carries a strange greatsword, coloured in dark blue and rather large - it may atttract the attention of certain eyes. got a question?! poke her about it.

  • WANDERING KNIGHT: A wandering knight without any sort of potential path, perhaps you could enlist her services, though don't expect much in the realm of talking. this woman is very much quiet.. though perhaps you could make her talk.

  • A GOOD SMOKE: Tuya seems to have a thing for cigarettes, and leaving them on the floor. perhaps your character should share a cigarette with her. she'll probably say thank you.

  • Hey! I'm Span! I'm the writer of this character! I'm 24 and I live in the BST / GMT timezone.

  • I will only roleplay with people who are 21+.

  • I'm non-binary! They/Them pronouns please!

  • Down for a lot of types of RP, be it horror, adventure or even casual roleplay! Hit me up if you've got any ideas! Always down to exchange ideas.

  • Please do not approach me on the assumption that ERP is a given. I will only do ERP if it makes sense within the narrative and it has a clear direction. I do not do random ERP.

  • This should go without saying, but OOC is not IC. IC is not OOC. My character may say quite mean things, and may not even mesh well with your characters -- this is okay! It's all for narrative and plotting story. However, If you cross the line in a OOC manner. I will immediately stop communication with you. I'm not interested in OOC / IC drama. Keep that far away from me.

  • My timezone can be a little finnicky at times for RP, but that doesn't stop me! -- however, due to the nature of my timezone and it clashing with NA timezones, things planned in advance tend to be better with me!

  • I'm absolutely terrible with Discord RP. I cannot keep up with it, and I much more prefer in-game RP. However, I do still do Discord RP - I'm just really bad at remembering to reply.